Directorio Legislativo

New tool to enhance the work of Parliaments

In collaboration with allied organizations and under the leadership of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Directorio Legislativo presented today the ‘Indicators for Democratic Parliaments’. This initiative aims at assessing the performance and capacities of parliaments so that they can improve their democratic quality.  This evaluation tool, whose design took several years, consists of 25 indicators that …

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López Obrador, the only president in the region with more than 60% approval rating

The following is the new edition of “Image of Power”—the presidential approval monitor of Latin America created by Directorio Legislativo.  In our new ranking, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Lula Da Silva are the only two presidents above a 50% approval rating. Obrador is at 61% approval, and has bullet-proof support during his fifth year …

López Obrador, the only president in the region with more than 60% approval rating Read More »

Presidential approval data in Latin America, according to a new edition of the “Image of Power” report

In this new edition of our report ¨Image of Power¨ we continue analyzing the situation of the region’s presidents. What challenges do they face and what are the electoral scenarios?  Andrés Lopez Obrador (Mexico) once again leads the approval ranking with 66% (as in the previous edition). He is followed by Lula Da Silva (Brazil) …

Presidential approval data in Latin America, according to a new edition of the “Image of Power” report Read More »

The second round of the CSO Bill in El Salvador, will it be the last one? 

The reform of the Law of Non-Profit Associations and Foundations is once again on the agenda of the legislative bench of Nuevas Ideas. Now it is a new bill that intends to intervene in the transfer of donations or public funds to non-governmental organizations through the Ministry of Finance. Or one more piece of the …

The second round of the CSO Bill in El Salvador, will it be the last one?  Read More »

A new and refresh edition of Image of Power in Latin America

With a refresh and interactive design, we present the data from the March-April 2023 edition of Imagen del Poder. Presidential approval levels have remained relatively stable since the beginning of the year. However, their pattern of change over the last 12 months confirms a worrying trend: the number of governments with approval ratings of below …

A new and refresh edition of Image of Power in Latin America Read More »

The Partido Colorado puts at stake its historical continuity at the head of the Executive Branch before Concertación Nacional

This Sunday, April 30, Paraguayan citizens will go to the polls to elect president and vice-president for the next five years. Legislators will also be elected to renew the entire Congress. Without the possibility of a second round, the most voted will take office. The ruling party Partido Colorado leads the average of polls surveyed, …

The Partido Colorado puts at stake its historical continuity at the head of the Executive Branch before Concertación Nacional Read More »

Presidential approval data in Latin America, according to a new edition of the “Image of Power” report

In this new issue of Image of Power, we present the presidential approval data for the first two months of the year, and analyze some of the most outstanding processes.   Andrés López Obrador and Luis Abinader lead the approval ranking with rates exceeding 60%. In the middle range of the scale we find two new …

Presidential approval data in Latin America, according to a new edition of the “Image of Power” report Read More »

MORENA aiming to deepen its legislative and territorial power to promote “Fourth Transformation”

On June 6, national legislative elections will be held to renew the entire Chamber of Deputies. Also, at the subnational level, 15 executive and 30 legislative seats will be voted for. Amid questions over the handling of the health crisis produced by the pandemic and in a climate of political scandals and violence that has cost …

MORENA aiming to deepen its legislative and territorial power to promote “Fourth Transformation” Read More »

Guillermo Lasso defeats Correa’s candidate to become President-elect for 2021-2025

On Sunday, April 11, a presidential run-off election was held in Ecuador. With almost 99% of ballots counted, the winner has been announced as Guillermo Lasso (CREO-PSC), who with 52.4% of the votes trimphed over this rival Andrés Arauz (UNES), endorsed by ex-President Correa. Lasso has stated “the country will take a different course from that …

Guillermo Lasso defeats Correa’s candidate to become President-elect for 2021-2025 Read More »

Respond. Recover. Renew

Sanjay Pradhan is the Chief Executive Officer of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). María Baron is the Executive Director of Directorio Legislativo and the civil society co-chair of the OGP Steering Committee with the Republic of Korea.Open Response + Recovery + RenewalLearn about the next phase of OGP’s Open Response + Open Recovery campaign: Open …

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