With more than half of the votes counted, Xiomara Castro is on her way to becoming the new president
29 November, 2021
On Sunday, November 28, general elections were held in Honduras, where citizens chose the next president and 128 deputies of the National Congress for the period 2022-2026. As expected, the election was polarized between two candidates: Xiomara ⇢
Presidential approval ratings fell in all countries holding elections
19 November, 2021
Directorio Legislativo presents the latest ranking of Presidents by approval ratings based on surveys of public opinion and perceptions of government management across 18 countries in Latin America. The results of the most recent survey by ⇢
Chile elects president and renews Congress in the most uncertain context of the last two decades
18 November, 2021
On November 21, Chileans go to the polls to elect their next President, to take office in March 2022. Also up for grabs are seats in Congress for the period 2022 – 2026. The electoral system establishes that for a president to be elected in ⇢
Upcoming Congress not to have parliamentary majorities, making inter-party consensus crucial
15 November, 2021
On November 14, Argentines voted to renew their Congress for the next two years (2021-2023). In both chambers of the Legislative branch, Frente de Todos (ruling party) remains the largest parliamentary group but now lacks the seats to push forward ⇢
Argentina to vote for new-look Congress
12 November, 2021
On November 14, Argentines will elect 127 deputies and 24 senators in 8 provinces throughout the country (Catamarca, Chubut, Córdoba, Corrientes, La Pampa, Mendoza, Santa Fe and Tucumán). The candidates to compete in the elections were ⇢
Amid outrage from the opposition and international community, Ortega wins fresh term as President
8 November, 2021
Nicaragua elected its president and renewed the entire National Assembly for the period 2022-2027. During the next 5 years, the country will continue to be ruled by a Sandinista government with Daniel Ortega at the helm, who with some 75% of ⇢
Ortega to seek new presidential term amid criticism and jailed opponents
4 November, 2021
Next Sunday, Nicaragua will elect its president and its new National Assembly for the period 2022-2027. The current president, Daniel Ortega, will seek his third consecutive reelection against a backdrop of political and social crises and ⇢
IAPA warns press freedom in a state of emergency
Within the framework of its 77th General Assembly, held between October 19 and 22, the Inter American Press Association presented a report on the state of press freedom in the region. In the Chapultepec Index 2021, Nicaragua, Venezuela and ⇢
How Nayib Bukele is becoming “the world’s coolest dictator”
7 October, 2021
Since assuming the presidency on June 1, 2019, Nayib Bukele has tightened his grip on power at the expense of eroding democracy and rule of law. At the beginning of this year, the ruling party secured a majority in the Legislative Assembly allowing ⇢
Bolsonaro falls in the polls and is already at an all-time low
17 September, 2021
Directorio Legislativo presents the latest ranking of Presidents by approval ratings based on surveys of public opinion and perceptions of government management and health across 18 countries in Latin America. Buenos Aires, ⇢