
‘Parliaments Advancing Openness: Insights from Mexico, Tunisia and Kyrgyzstan’ new report with OPeN
3 November, 2022
Directorio Legislativo has just published a tool on behalf of the Open Parliament e-Network (OPEN)* aimed at supporting legislatures to promote transparency. Parliaments Advancing Openness: Insights from Mexico, Tunisia and Kyrgyzstan charts the ⇢

Lula clinches third presidency after tightest runoff in years
31 October, 2022
This Sunday, October 30, Brazilians picked Luiz Inácio ‘Lula’ da Silva as their next president in what was the closest fought second-round election in years, with only 1.80% separating the country’s two-time head of state from ⇢

GLOW 2022: Parliaments at the heart of open government reform
17 October, 2022
Throughout the week of 17–22 October 2022, the Open Parliament e-Network (OPeN) will host a series of virtual, hybrid, and in-person events worldwide to celebrate the resilience of parliamentary reformers in championing open government values. ⇢

Lula and Bolsonaro to compete for the presidency in a runoff election
3 October, 2022
On October 2, Brazilians went to the polls to elect their next president. With 99.99% of the votes counted, the favorites were Lula da Silva with 48.43% of the votes for the Brazil of Hope federation (Workers’ Party, Communist ⇢

Brazil to pick new president, with Lula a potential first-round winner
29 September, 2022
This Sunday, October 2, Brazilians go to the polls to elect the president and vice-president of the Republic, the entire Chamber of Deputies (513), and one third of the Senate (27). Although 11 candidates are vying for the presidency, current ⇢

Latam Presidential Ranking: Jul/Aug 2022
28 September, 2022
Directorio Legislativo presents its latest ranking of presidents by their approval ratings, based on survey data drawn from 18 countries in the region. Buenos Aires, September 2022. Rodrigo Chaves (Costa Rica) heads this edition’s ⇢

Chileans vote to approve or reject new Constitution
3 September, 2022
This Sunday, Chileans go to the polls to approve or reject the text of a new Constitution, proposed in the wake of the country’s nationwide protests during 2019 -20. Why a new Magna Carta? In October 2019, following a hike in public transport ⇢

Latam Presidential Ranking: A shift to the left in Latin America?
3 August, 2022
Directorio Legislativo presents its latest ranking of presidents by approval ratings, based on multi-sourced survey data from 18 countries in the region. Buenos Aires, August 2022- Nayib Bukele (El Salvador) leads the ranking with a high ⇢

The IX Summit of the Americas: a civil society, female and young person’s perspective
2 July, 2022
The IX Summit of the Americas took place in Los Angeles from June 6–10, under the banner of “Building a sustainable, resilient and equitable future” — amid controversy over the decision not to invite certain nations. As Project Manager of ⇢

Civic Space – What’s happening in Latin America and the Caribbean?
30 June, 2022
Here is a summary of the latest issue of Civic Space Guardian (CSG), our regional civic rights monitor. In the past few weeks, the governance crisis in the Andean region has deepened. The Ecuadorian president re-declared the state of exception after ⇢