Image of Power: March – April 2024

Welcome to a new edition of “Image of Power”, the Latin American presidential approval monitor of Directorio Legislativo.
At the end of the first four months of the year, the five presidents leading the presidential approval ranking are Daniel Noboa with 69%, showing a drop of more than 10 points since the last edition. In second place is AMLO with 59%, already in the final stretch of his presidency. Javier Milei and Luis Lacalle Pou compete for third place, both with numbers close to 50%. Closing the first five places, but at a great distance, is Lula da Silva with 41% approval and a fall that so far does not seem to find a floor.
In this edition we analyze the presidencies of Gustavo Petro, Lula da Silva and Javier Milei. Three presidents who, despite their great differences, have points in common in the scenarios they face.