
Chileans vote to approve or reject new Constitution
3 September, 2022
This Sunday, Chileans go to the polls to approve or reject the text of a new Constitution, proposed in the wake of the country’s nationwide protests during 2019 -20. Why a new Magna Carta? In October 2019, following a hike in public transport ⇢

Boric wins and is set to assume as Chile´s next President in March 2022
20 December, 2021
On December 19, runoff elections were held between the winners of the first round: Gabriel Boric (Apruebo Dignidad) and José Antonio Kast (Frente Social Cristiano). Boric, the leftist candidate, won by over 55% of the votes and will assume the ⇢

Chile elects president and renews Congress in the most uncertain context of the last two decades
18 November, 2021
On November 21, Chileans go to the polls to elect their next President, to take office in March 2022. Also up for grabs are seats in Congress for the period 2022 – 2026. The electoral system establishes that for a president to be elected in ⇢