
  • Organizations worldwide demand the right to access public information in Argentina

    28 September, 2024

    Through a letter addressed to the Argentine Government, and within the framework of the International Day of Universal Access to Information celebrated on September 28, more than 70 civil society organizations from around the world requested the ⇢

  • Significant setback in the right to public information in Argentina: What the Executive’s Decree Changed.

    6 September, 2024

    The Executive Branch modified by decree the regulations of Law 27.275 on Access to Public Information, the main pillar of the regulatory framework for transparency at the national level. This new decree not only represents a setback in the right to ⇢

  • Reliving the presentation of our DL Argentina through the eyes of Ben, our intern from the USA

    5 July, 2024

    By Benjamin Patron It was surreal; within my third day of interning at Directorio Legislativo, I was to attend the presentation of the “Directorio Legislativo de Argentina” for the 2024-2025 period at the National Congress building. I could ⇢

  • A new edition of the Legislative Directory of Argentina is coming up

    2 May, 2024

    In December 2023 the seats in the Argentine Congress will be renewed and, as is always the case when there are legislative elections, DL is working on a new edition of the Legislative Directory.  This publication, which was first published in ⇢

  • Javier Milei elected president of Argentina

    24 November, 2023

    On Sunday, Javier Milei of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) was elected president of Argentina with 55.5% of the vote, 11 points ahead of the Peronist Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, who obtained 44.3%. The president-elect ⇢

  • Upcoming Congress not to have parliamentary majorities, making inter-party consensus crucial

    15 November, 2021

    On November 14, Argentines voted to renew their Congress for the next two years (2021-2023). In both chambers of the Legislative branch, Frente de Todos (ruling party) remains the largest parliamentary group but now lacks the seats to push forward ⇢

  • Argentina to vote for new-look Congress

    12 November, 2021

    On November 14, Argentines will elect 127 deputies and 24 senators in 8 provinces throughout the country (Catamarca, Chubut, Córdoba, Corrientes, La Pampa, Mendoza, Santa Fe and Tucumán).  The candidates to compete in the elections were ⇢

  • Anti-corruption commissions in the Northern Triangle: failures and emerging civil society alternatives

    8 July, 2021

    On June 4, the International Commission against Impunity in El Salvador (CICIES in Spanish) ceased working after a series of accusations and counter accusations with the government of President Nayib Bukele. It follows an established trend in the ⇢

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